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How to Modernize Your Traditional Brass Chandeliers

How to Modernize Your Traditional Brass Chandeliers

A lighting upgrade is the most effective way to strengthen your house, and also, no decor item produces a huge punch than a massive shining chandelier hung. It's the only da design choice that's ultimately dustproof, and its dustproof worthy of its value in cash (or brass, as the case may be).

Brass chandeliers were becoming stalwarts of the interior design industry, appearing in advertisements and on the Instagram accounts of design celebrities alike. They are available in several styles, including modern, ancient, rustic, and contemporary. These aren't lighting that fades into obscurity, though. As interior spaces are becoming more refined and established, a brass chandelier is becoming a must-have.

Shiny Chandeliers - How to modernize your traditional Brass Chandeliers

Types of Brass Chandelier

It's essential to understand the fundamental differences across each form of a chandelier. Read this blog to develop a clear understanding of the various types of fancy chandeliers available and determine which one matches your needs better. Take a glance at the following:

  • Brass Crystal Chandeliers

Brass Crystal chandeliers may bring a layer of suspense and glitz to any space if used correctly. This type of hanging providing standards is ideal for use as the focal point of any kitchen area or entrance hall. These are available in both lustrous and antique gold styles.

  • Solid Brass Chandeliers

Choose a solid brass chandelier darkly chandelier to add a simple but chic touch to any one of your spaces. These types of chandeliers infuse a sense of vivacity into the room. These charming accessories allow for a lot of innovative placement options. Such solid chandelier lighting is straightforward to find online.

Such chandeliers were ideal for those looking for a lush swinging candelabrum with the appearance of actual candlelight. They are available in a wide range of forms and colors. Several of these chandeliers have unusual features, such as bulbs that glow to mimic candlelight. These antique dropping lights are sure to add a touch of eclectic elegance to your home.

Shiny Chandeliers - Brass candle style Chandeliers

  • Traditional Antique Brass Chandelier

Depending on the size of the coating, such chandeliers produce soft, moderate, or heavy lighting. There is a vast selection of patterned and plain colored shaded antiqued mirrored. Such antique brass chandeliers are available in several forms and colors, ranging from traditional to contemporary. They are designed to match each design of the lights to the shade, including its house's curtains after a compelling unified look is an easy way to create some chandeliers.

In a matter of seconds, brush brass chandeliers will give any space a fantastic contemporary feel. When placed in an entranceway or kitchen, the irregularly inspired version looks much more magnificent.

 Whatever chandelier people pick, you can be sure that this will create a stunning atmosphere in the room. Such chandeliers come in a range of materials, including brass, metal, and wood. Some chandeliers are available in a variety of styles. So, choose one that complements your living area decoration as well as your interests.

How to Modernize Traditional Brass Chandelier?

Living spaces, atriums, and guest rooms all benefit from chandeliers, which provide light and serve as elegant focal points. Many who prefer bright, gold-colored displays will enjoy brass chandeliers. Brass, on the other hand, does not appeal to everyone's aesthetic preferences or design trends. Brass can also become scratched and rusty over time. By repainting an old brass chandelier, you can give it a new lease on life. Spray paint made specifically for metal is required to paint brass. Metal spray paint is used in a wide range of hues.

Using vintage furniture and antique and modern pieces in a room, or buying new products and purposely distressing the textures to make them look more ancient, creates a "shabby chic" look. A bad color combination for the antique brass chandelier typically consists of a critical light color on the back wall, including white or cream — and many subtle and not pastels consider several factors adorned with several lighters. Still, it's hardly pastel hue tones. Antique light bulbs, such as chandeliers, could be bought second-hand or conveniently modified at houses with paint and sanding to bring a special touch of modern look.

shiny Chandeliers - How to Modernize traditional brass chandeliers
  • Wash the chandelier with even hot water as well as dish soap solution. Impurities that can conflict with color binding can be eliminated by washing. To avoid the soap traces, deep clean the chandelier with only a clean cloth dulled with liquid after it has been washed.
  • All chandelier ornaments, including such crystal or chains of beads, should be unhooked, unwired, or unscrewed. Glue over every non-paintable permanent bit, like bulb holes and cords.
  • In decoration, put that chandelier on some kind of covered surface. To prevent imbibing spray - painting fumes, work outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
  • With a 220-grit arrogant, polish all brass sections of the chandelier. Sanding can produce minor, microscopic scratches, which will serve as a "jaw" for the fresh paint to adhere. Deep clean that chandelier with just a wet sponge until sanding. Give sufficient time for the chandelier will dry.
  • Apply a layer of metal filler to the chandelier. To stop droplets, maintain your spray will nozzle about 11 inches from the chandelier, then transfer the spray. Allow time for the substrate to set.
  • To ensure sufficient coverage, add three to four shades of paint to a chandelier, given enough time for each coat to dry. Allow time for the paint to settle.
  • To produce a luster, special covering, and over color, cover the chandelier with three to four transparent liquid polyurethane coats.

How to Add Crystals to The Brass Chandelier

Adding glitzy elegance to the chandelier with dazzling crystals is a great way to do so. Converting your vintage chandelier into a gleaming focal point is a simple project that you can be proud of. While selecting crystals, let your imagination run wild. In addition to the standard transparent crystals, several customized crystals are accessible, including green, onyx, blue, amber, white, grey, violet, and black. To make a brightly colored crystal chandelier, use much more than only one shade. To create mystery and excitement, unique assorted crystals in a variety of shapes. Bright crystals with multiple faces can display light to produce stunning prism objects.

  • First, check how much crystal string you'll are in need for each chandelier. To make stylish, also curtains, loop the free thread of a piece of yarn through most of the length of your chandelier. Split the cord using tools and calculate the duration with a measuring tape. That width of crystals string you'll have is calculated by this calculation.
  • Calculate the number of bobeches and actual crystals your chandelier will require. A bobeche is a decorative belt that slips over even a chandelier light and has pin gaps for hanging crystals. The pinhole leaks on several bobeches were three or four. To figure out how much the bobeches you'll require, count the amount of lighting in that chandelier. The value of small crystals you'll have by checking the tiny holes with one bobeche then dividing the amount by the number of bobeches you'll want.
  • Choose the shade of crystal you want to use depending on personal taste and the color scheme of the space where the chandelier will be given.
  • Take the incandescent fixtures with your chandelier, then cover each lighting socket with a bobeche. Throughout the holes, substitute the incandescent fixtures. Place a crystal around each tiny hole within each bobeche by threading one side of such a crystal coat hook through both the loop or gap within the base of a piece. Crystal straps come in all sorts of shapes, including ring, circle, and lock, and are usually sold in packets of 30 to 110 hangers.
  • Take two 7-inch pieces of art wire from either the spool and snip them off. Secure either side of one of the multiple wire sections to such an extension of a chandelier by wrapping this around one side of the crystal rope. Tuck the crystal rope uniformly over the chandelier's sides. Firstly, adjust the crystal rope, and it has a flattering, consistent composition by standing back while observing the chandelier from either a range. Connect a 7-inch wire across the existing loose end of its crystal rope and tie it to the chandelier frame. To protect the wire, place its other side around the chandelier handle. If you buy a roll with sizes as big as 100 feet, crystal strings are usually accessible in7-foot lengths.

 Shiny Chandeliers  - Tips on how to modernize Brass Chandeliers

Tips on How to Modernize Brass Chandeliers

As you remember, there are several various shapes and styles of chandeliers on the marketplace, because you want to buy the one which suits your dining table, house, or wherever else you need to use it, totally correct? So, here are a few hints to assist you in making a successful purchase.

  • Will you have a vaulted or slanted ceiling? It would help if you chose a chandelier that is the same height as your ceilings. You will need to have a chandelier with such a large hang string for vaulted ceilings but not one that is so big for vaulted ceilings. Also, if you have a ceiling beams chandelier, make sure it will match your top.
  • Higher color bulbs are consistent with smooth, slanted, and sloped roofs, so make sure you choose the right one for your ceiling. As a result, the issue of the vaulted ceiling is no longer an issue. You didn't have to think about moderate or medium ceiling if your chandelier is vertical because you can increase the weight to your satisfaction.
  • You can simply substitute the crystals on the chandelier after they become filthy or far too rusty for modern designs, based on the type of crystal around your chandelier. So, look at the shards in a chandelier and see whether you can swap them. Below is a list of chandelier substitute crystals.
  • You can also understand the chandelier's size concerning the location where it will be mounted. Standard sizes can match everywhere, including living areas, and large sizes can be used in homes and offices and the other regions. Most chandeliers come in chrome, nickel, and different finishes for the style. Shades that don't stand out but fit in with the rest of your home's decor are ideal.
  • Are you checking for crystal chandeliers with LED lighting? This is something you can look for before making the purchase. Specific chandeliers are LED bulb compliant, and you'll have to get all those if you're using LED bulbs. Of necessity, LED bulbs are superior to fluorescent or led bulbs because they produce less heat, making them ideal for lighting conditions. They're often cost-effective, which lets you save money on your power bill.
  • Chandeliers, in most cases, include hardwiring. So, although you may like a convenient fixture, please keep it. You'll still need to attach wires. Some, though, are more complicated, so try in seeing if this can be mounted before you purchase it. Most crystal chandeliers arrive with up-and-put and a user manual, making the installation process go smoothly.


A brass chandelier is more than just a style statement or a property investment; it serves as a center of a sitting room or entrance hall, welcoming guests into your residence. Since you like the basic architecture of your chandelier, so it appears because this barely made it through the early 1980s and into the early 1990s, people can modernize it to give your living room a more modern touch. An improved, polished color scheme and a style makeover are needed to revitalize a classic chandelier.

A can of paint is just the easiest way to refresh a traditional brass chandelier. Yet, versatile dark works with such a range of home decor designs, even though this modification is surprisingly fast, taking time to use it properly. Even if the chandelier were not on a flat surface, a mottled color scheme would be visible, particularly whenever the eye-catching brass glances up from the ground. Set your mind and then use high-quality materials, and then you'll finish up with a beautiful lighting system.

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